
Director and Editor

As a daughter of a Chilean mother and an Uruguayan father, Mariela G. Dominguez has lived between Santiago, Chile, Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she was born and Montevideo, Uruguay. She currently resides in Houston, Texas. Her studies and interests have been various; among them are Project Development in the Field of Visual Communication, including video arte, urban art, fashion design, sculpture, jewelry design, and painting.

Website: xzzx.com.ar
Social Media: @xzzxart
Contact her: mdominguez@xzzx.com.ar


Justin was born and raised on the Gulf Coast of Texas (La Porte) in the 1980s. Grant received a Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics from UT-Austin in 2005. In 2006, Grant moved to South America where he divided his time between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Santiago, Chile. For 10 years, Grant worked as an artist, curator, and art teacher, often traveling between Chile and Uruguay, with the occasional visit to the United States. In 2016, Grant returned to Houston where he continues to produce highly personal unique works of art.

Website: justinearlgrant.com
Social Media: @justinearlgrant
Contact him: info@justinearlgrant.com